Thursday, May 3, 2012


As of today I’m 27 years old. I’m not new to the world of blogging. I started my first blog when I was 18 and kept it up for a while. It’s always interesting to go back and read those old posts. I’ve changed a great deal since then! I stopped blogging regularly after about two years. I maintained my blog for another couple of years, but only updated sporadically. My old blog was mostly just me rambling about my day to day events (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Occasionally I’d stumble across something I thought was insightful and share my thoughts on whatever that was. But, for the most part it was just me regurgitating the mundane details of my days.

I’m starting this blog with something more in mind. I like to think of life as a journey, and I intend this blog to chronicle my journey of life. As I look back on the last few years of my life, my biggest regret is not doing enough to better myself. I don’t consider myself to be depressed or even unhappy for that matter most of the time. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t be happier. (Thank you Gretchen Rubin for helping me better understand this concept.)

I think what has happened is that I’ve become content. There is a big difference in contentment and happiness though. I also know that to achieve things I want to achieve in life I’m going to have to work to get them. This isn’t a new realization. I think, hopefully, most people realize this. But, knowing it and putting it into action are two completely different things.

So, I’m beginning my journey now with a clearer path of what I want to do on my journey and where I want to end up. I hope to live my life in a way that I’m always growing and seeking knowledge. But, there are a lot of things I feel that I need to change now that would make me happier and make my life better. I also hope that in three years, when I turn 30, I can look back and be much happier and prouder about what I’ve accomplished than I am now.

I’m a writer. For almost as long as I can remember I’ve loved to write. I like to think it’s something I’m decent at too. This blog will serve as a way for me to practice that and hone in on my writing skills. I definitely feel like I need some accountability and with any luck publishing a blog will help with that. I hope to share my thoughts not only on my journey, but on the things that are important to me and that I find entertaining and interesting. Anyone that knows me knows that this certainly will involve some politics and pop culture.

There are many ways in which I’m trying to better myself. I need to be healthier—eat better and exercise. I need to read more. I need to write more. I need to learn more and seek more knowledge. I need to volunteer and be more active in my community. I need to speak up louder for those without a voice and those being oppressed. I need to be kinder and a better person in general.

While bettering myself, or at least trying, maybe I’ll also become a better writer. That’s my goal anyway. I hope anyone that reads this enjoys reading what I have to say and maybe can get something out of it as well. Good luck on your journey!


  1. You are already a wonderful person and I can't wait to see changes that only make you more great!!! I am also excited to read this blog.
