Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

                Most people fall into one of two groups when it comes to how they feel about Valentine’s Day. It all depends on whether or not you’re single or have someone to call your Valentine when February 14 rolls around each year.
                For those that are in a relationship on this date, Valentine’s Day is usually a day they enjoy. It’s a day to show their love for that special someone in their life and vice versa.
                For single people, it’s typically a day to wallow in despair and sneer at anyone who dares crack a smile or show any semblance of happiness.
                Of course not everyone falls neatly into these categories. There are those in and out of relationships who don’t care to participate for a number of reasons—chief among them being the commercialization of the holiday.  They believe Valentine’s Day is a retail-made holiday serving the chocolate, flower and greeting card industry.
                I’ve got news for those people—every single holiday in America is commercialized.  If you let the commercialization of holidays take the enjoyment out of it for you, you’re not going to have much in life, or any holiday, to celebrate.
                I prefer to chart my own course when it comes to Valentine’s Day. I am single this year as of February 14 and I have been the past several times February 14 came around. That doesn’t really bother me though.
                You see, I happen to love Valentine’s Day in spite of my singleness. I won’t pretend that there aren’t times I wish I had something incredibly romantic going on, but I don’t let it ruin the day. Maybe it’s because I am a romantic at heart. Maybe’s it’s because I believe the sappy Hollywood movie, fairytale ending will happen for me one day.
                It’s not just my optimism that makes the day special. Think about it like this—Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love. It doesn’t have to be romantic love. Any type of love will do. An entire day devoted to celebrating love sounds pretty marvelous to me.
                I may not have romantic love in my life, but I certainly have an abundance of love in my life, and for that I am grateful.
                For starters I have a family that loves me. I’ve got my mom, dad, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and more that love me. Sure, family relationships can be complicated, but I don’t doubt the love that’s there.
                I also have an incredible best friend. It’s hard to put into words the relationship that we have. I try to explain it to people often, but I don’t know that there is a suitable word that really fits. We call each other soul mates because of the deep bond we share.
                The love I have for her is something I couldn’t live without, and I know that I am loved by her as well. I’m lucky to have her.
                I’m also extremely lucky to have a job working with people I love. There are many people I get to see on a daily basis who are not only co-workers, but friends as well. These people make the 40 hour work week not seem like such an imposition of time when truthfully there are plenty of places most people would rather be than work.
                Outside of family, my best friend and co-workers, I have other friends who I love and who love me in return. Some I may not see often or even get to speak with often. Some are friends that have come in to my life and slipped out for whatever reason. But, they served a purpose in my life at the time and their love is still cherished.
                I won’t be having a fancy, romantic dinner tonight. I won’t be cuddling up next to anyone at home. But, I’m glad that doesn’t mean I’m not loved and it doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of relationships to be appreciative of in my life.
                I’m very blessed to have so many people to love and be loved by in my life. I hope that I show these people my feelings always, but on a day like today it’s especially good to recognize them.
                Before you declare February 14 Singles Awareness Day or get in a funk thinking of what might be missing, take a moment to remember all the love that does exist in your life. That’s what I’ll be doing, and all that love sure puts a smile on my face.


  1. This was VERY well said. I don't know who you were referring to but you are definitely my soul mate and I am so abundantly grateful for you. Thanks for EVERYTHING.

  2. Thanks! Haha...I was referring to the one and only HEATHER! :) Thank you for everything!
